Student Assistance Program (SAP) Initial Referral Form

14 days ago

The Student Assistance Program is a state-mandated K-12 program designed to assist school personnel in identifying issues including alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and mental health issues which pose a barrier to a student's success. It is a method for trained school personnel to intervene and refer these students to appropriate school and community services, as well as appropriately following up after the referral. **If the concern is academic, please refer to our Child Study Team. If you feel low grades are a symptom of something else (i.e. grief, depression, outside factors, etc.) please complete this form.

Anyone may make a SAP referral. Referrals may be made anonymously except in the case of teachers or staff. It is expected that teachers and staff identify themselves when making a referral when working in their professional capacity. This information is confidential and not shared with the student.

How do I know to refer to SAP?

SAP Addresses:

  • Truancy
  • Change in academics
  • Change in health
  • Poor student behavior

Use the acronym "HELP" to remember what SAP is for: H - Home Issues E - Emotional/Behavioral Issues L - Lifestyle changes (i.e. physical appearance) P - Performance changes (change in family issues)