Understanding Everyday Mathematics

2 years ago

Understanding Everyday Mathematics

This section provides explanations for many of the common questions parents have about the Everyday Mathematicscurriculum. Here you can learn more about the rationale behind Everyday Mathematics' position on topics like basic math facts and calculator use, in addition to tips on how to assist your child.

Clip art with numbers dancing

Helping children learn the basic facts is an important goal in the Everyday Mathematics curriculum. In this section, you can find out more about how the curriculum employs a variety of techniques to help children develop their "fact power", or basic number-fact reflexes.

Everyday Mathematics recognizes that, even in the computer age, it is important to teach children how to compute "by hand". Here you can read more about how the curriculum provides all students with a variety of dependable and understandable methods of computation.

Research has shown that teaching the standard U.S. algorithms for each of the four basic operations of arithmetic fails with large numbers of children, and that alternative algorithms are often easier for children to understand and learn. In this section, you can read more about how Everyday Mathematics introduces children to a variety of alternative procedures in addition to the customary algorithms.

In the Everyday Mathematics program, emphasis is placed on using the calculator as a tool for learning mathematics. You can read more here about how the use of calculators is incorporated to provide practice with place value and problem-solving skills in the curriculum.

Simply stated, the primary goal of Everyday Mathematics is to help more children learn more mathematics. This section explains how the curriculum expects higher levels of accomplishment at every grade level while also incorporating features that help make mathematics accessible to all students.

We believe it is very important to help parents become actively involved in their child's mathematical education. Here you can see some suggestions for how you can learn about the mathematics your child is studying in school, and how you can help reinforce their math learning at home.

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School Resource Officer (SRO)

2 years ago

Welcome to the School Resource Officer page for the
Valley View Elementary School

The School Resource Officer (SRO) for the Elementary School is: Patrolman Tom Markovitch of the Blakely Police Department. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the school (570) 489-7579, Station (570) 383-3346 or email at TMarkovitch@blakelypolice.org or officertom@valleyviewsd.org. 

For up to date Police Department Information visit www.facebook.com/blakelypolice

The Blakely Police Department is dedicated to the Safety of the Children at the Valley View Elementary School. 

Dress Code

2 years ago

Valley View School District
School Dress Code/Clothing Policy

The purpose of a dress code is not to inhibit any personâs taste in attire but rather to better facilitate the process of education through reasonable guidelines in dress. The Valley View School District has adopted the following dress code policy for grades K-12, which contains approved student clothing. This approved clothing is mandatory and may be worn in any combination of tops and bottoms.

General Information

  • All students must attend school each day in compliance with the school dress code.
  • Approved clothing may be purchased at the store or vendor of the parentâs choice, providing it conforms to this dress code policy.
  • The school dress code policy will be strictly enforced as per the discipline guidelines, which follow.The Valley View School Board and Superintendent may amend this policy at any time and must approve all changes to this Dress Code Clothing Policy.
  • Each student is expected to maintain good personal hygiene.
  • Any clothing that is judged to be unsafe, unhealthy or unsanitary is not permitted.

Approved School Clothing

All clothing must be approved, solid colors, without designs, patterns, checks, slogans, emblems, logos, except for optional Valley View School District monogramming or embroidery. Shirts should be long enough to be tucked in. All school clothing must be appropriately sized for the child, being no more than one regular size larger than the student actually measures. Extra full, extra wide, extra long, baggy or saggy pants or shorts are not accepted. Shoes must be worn at all times, with laces tied. Any shoe that poses a safety hazard is not permitted.


•Solid color tops in the following colors:
    •light blue
    •royal blue
•Golf style shirt, long or short sleeve
•Oxford style button down shirt
•Sweater/vest (with a school shirt underneath)
•Turtleneck/mock turtleneck (only under approved school shirt)


•Solid color bottoms in the following colors:
•Dress long pants; Pleated or plain front, plain or cuffed bottoms
•Dress shorts- Pleated or plain front, plain or cuffed bottoms, no more than 5 inches above the knee, between April 1 to October 31
•Skirt/Skort (girls)- No more than 3 inches above the knees
•Jumper (girls)- K-5 only
•Standard corduroy pants and capris are allowed.

Gym Attire (K-5 only)

    •royal blue
•Sweatshirt:  Cotton blend, no hoods, no pockets
•Sweatpants:  Cotton blend

Articles of Non-Compliance

•Any clothing or article deemed lewd, vulgar, indecent, plainly offensive, sexually suggestive, condoning violence, drug, alcohol, tobacco, suicide, vulgar language or if it is determined to have a well founded expectation to create disruption
•The display of any undergarments
•Shoes that have no backs (K-5), beach tongs, or "flip-flops"
•No body piercing (earrings are acceptable)
•Shorts that are more than five inches above the knees
•No cargo, baggy, skateboard, spandex, or stirrup pants
•No denim, denim-like material or jeans
•No spandex
•No sheer or see-through clothing
•No mini/micro skirts
•No bare midriff
•No hats, caps, headbands or bandanas
•No chains, dog collars or spiked bracelets or necklaces
•No tee shirts
•No off the shoulder garments
•No tank tops, tube tops, halter tops, or sleeveless shirts
•No unnatural hair coloring

Transfer Students

Transfer students will be allowed ten school days from the date of admission to be in compliance with the dress code policy.

Note: The above dress code may be amended at any time at the discretion of the Valley View School Board and administration.


The purpose of school is to promote and foster a solid learning environment. Students are expected to dress in a manner which encourages this purpose. Violation of this policy will result in parental notification and appropriate school action.

Discipline Guidelines

Non-compliance will be considered a violation of school policy. The consequences will be exclusion from school until the student is in compliance with the dress code policy. Absences due to this exclusionary process will be considered illegal or unexcused. After three days of illegal absences, both parents and student are subject to prosecution in the court system for violation of the school attendance laws. The "S.T.A.R.S." truancy program, developed through the Lackawanna County Court system, will be contacted regarding truancy. The initial step in this process involves parents and child appearing before the district magistrate. In addition, all other disciplinary sanctions imposed by district policy will apply.

Morning and Afterschool Programs

2 years ago

The Valley View School District offers child care before and after school to students of the district in grades K – 5.  Since 2012, we have provided care to students enrolled in the program at a competitive and reasonable cost to parents.  Please contact Mrs. Leann Evans, Program Director, to obtain an information packet and registration forms.  See why so many parents choose our program for their care needs.

Contact Mrs. Evans at


or call (570) 766-9288